Start Event Name Locations Participants
Sun 15
11:00 am Traditional Worship CRPC - Sanctuary Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church
Mon 16
2:30 pm DBC Voice/Piano Lessons Generation Meeting Room Diane Bish Center for Music and the Arts
6:30 pm Moms Prayer for Adult Children Generation Meeting Room Women's Ministry
Tue 17
8:00 am Women's Bible Study CRPC - Chapel Women's Ministry
3:30 pm DBC of the Arts CRPC - Choir Rehearsal Hall Diane Bish Center for Music and the Arts
5:30 pm Middle School Gangway CRPC - Gangway
CRPC - Gangway Patio
Student Ministries
6:00 pm Session Meeting CRPC - Pastor's Office Church Officers
Wed 18
8:00 am Bob Barnes Mens Study CRPC - Chapel Men's Ministry
9:25 am Upper School Chapel CRPC - Sanctuary High School
Middle School
Upper School
Westminster Academy - Upper School
11:20 am CRPC Staff Devotions Generation Meeting Room Executive Office
6:00 pm High School Gangway CRPC - Gangway
CRPC - Gangway Patio
Student Ministries
Thu 19
2:30 pm Kid's Choir CRPC - Chapel Children's Ministries
Music Ministry
Fri 20
All Day Pastors Summit CRPC - Sanctuary
CRPC - Chapel
Executive Office
4:00 pm DBC Group Strings CRPC - Choir Rehearsal Hall Diane Bish Center for Music and the Arts
Sat 21  
Sun 22
9:30 am Contemporary Worship CRPC - Sanctuary Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church
9:30 am Sunday School CRPC - Chapel
CRPC - DJK Library
CRPC - Gangway
CRPC - Knox Classroom (2nd Floor)
Generation Meeting Room
Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church
11:00 am Sunday School CRPC - Chapel
CRPC - Gangway
CRPC - Knox Classroom (2nd Floor)
CRPC - Welcome Center Meeting Room 1
Generation Meeting Room
Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church
11:00 am Traditional Worship CRPC - Sanctuary Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church
Mon 23
2:30 pm DBC Voice/Piano Lessons Generation Meeting Room Diane Bish Center for Music and the Arts
7:00 pm Moms Prayer for Adult Children Generation Meeting Room Women's Ministry
Tue 24
8:00 am Women's Bible Study CRPC - Chapel Women's Ministry
3:30 pm DBC of the Arts CRPC - Choir Rehearsal Hall Diane Bish Center for Music and the Arts
Wed 25
8:00 am Bob Barnes Mens Study CRPC - Chapel Men's Ministry
9:25 am Upper School Chapel CRPC - Sanctuary High School
Middle School
Upper School
Westminster Academy - Upper School
12:00 pm CRPC Staff Lunch/Devotions CRPC - Chapel Executive Office
Thu 26
12:00 pm Concert Series Set Up CRPC - Sanctuary Music Ministry
2:30 pm Kid's Choir CRPC - Chapel Children's Ministries
Music Ministry
Fri 27
5:30 pm Concert Series Benefactor Event CRPC - Chapel Music Ministry
7:00 pm Concert Series CRPC - Sanctuary Music Ministry
Sat 28  
Sun 29
9:30 am Contemporary Worship CRPC - Sanctuary Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church